Milestone Report
Work Completed
Implement the sequential version of four-color map solver using C++.
Generate a bunch of testcases which take the sequential algorithm approximately 10 seconds to solve.
Build a front-end web page using P5.js and a backend server on GHC using C. The front-end web page can run on any personal laptop, and is able to allow users draw any customized maps. It then encode the map information and send that to the backend server, who will leverage the parallel program to solve the map and send the solution back to the frontend client.
Problems Met
Test Case Generating
It is hard to find a complex testcase that runs in reasonable time (round 10s) and is suitable for parallelizing. We've tried generating test cases by drawing complex maps. However, the maps we can draw are still too naive and can mostly be colored in at most 2 colors. In this case, even using brute force, it takes less than a second to color a map with 10000 nodes.
Therefore, we decide to write code to randomly generate nodes and edges. We need to make sure the edges cannot cross each other so that they can be transformed to maps. To generate a complex test case, we also need to ensure there is a balanced usage of 4 colors so that brute force needs to traverse more recursions, thus requiring more time. However, we also need to control the number of nodes so that the total time is controllable as the number of recursions grows exponentially with the number of nodes.
After many trials, we find the suitable number of nodes is between 40 - 100. Since we cannot know the total runtime beforehand, we can only make random trials by tuning the configurations (node number, edge number). To expedite it, we write a bash to automatically generate test cases, run them and save those whose runtime is around 10 seconds.
Front End Setting
At first, we plan to build the front end based on the exsiting github repo as given in the proposal. That repo uses processing.js to write both the front end and the algorithm parts. However, we need to separate them as we need to parallelize the algorithm part on GHC or PSC. To realize it, we need to have network transfer or file I/O so that the front end and the back end can communicate each other. Unfortunately, we find that processing.js can support neither of them. We have no choice but to rewrite the front end part using p5.js and implement the algorithm part using C++.
Deliverables on Poster Session
We plan to bring a fully interactive web application to the poster session, and encourage visitors to draw their own maps for our program to solve. We may allow the user to specify whether or not they want to enable parallelization on backend server. Considering the fact that the advantage of parallel program will not be obvious unless the map becomes really large and complicated, we will also offer some complicated map options that we prepared in advance, and the users can simply click those options on the screen for a quick demo of how parallel program can accelerate the solving speed.
As for the contents on the poster, we plan to introduce the four-color problem, explain the sequential algorithm and then elaborate on how we parallelize the program as well as the considerations we took into account throughout our way to the final version of the program.
Updated Goals
We decide not to parallelize the sorting phase in heuristic algorithm. The reason is that even for the map with more than 10000 nodes, the runtime of heuristic algorithm is less than 1 second. Besides, it's unrealistic to have a map with 10000 nodes. Therefore, we don't find much space in the heuristic algorithm for parallelization.
We will focus on the backtracking algorithm. When the map is complex enough, the runtime of backtracking algorithm grows exponentially with the number of nodes. In this case, parallelization can greatly help speed up the whole process. Since the recursions are independent of each other, we won't meet many obstacles in implementing parallelization. We still need to explore more to find the reasonable speedup. We will try different scheduling algorithms and memory allocation to find the optimal one. At this moment, we hope to achieve 3x speedup.
Previously we let the frontend to convert a pixel-based image to an abstract topological graph composed of nodes (representing countries) and edges (representing adjacency relationship between two countries). We now decided to delegate this task to backend server as well, because
This process is computation-intensive, thus very slow on frontend. As a result, this map-to-graph conversion could become the bottleneck to our interactive web application.
This task involves processing and analyzing thousands of hundres of pixels, which is a very suitable task for parallel program. Compared to boring bruteforce in map solving stage, this task gives us more space and interesting directions to speedup the application.
Issues Concerned
For the backtracking algorithm, in each recursion, we traverse four colors in a loop to find a feasible one, which is the only part we find there is room for parallelization. We plan to use the openMP framework as it uses shared address space and is easy to try on. Except for it, we feel lost about what else we can parallelize.